Health Plan Summary Plan Description Corrections
On page 23, Article III, Section 4(d)(1)(D) and Article III, Section 4(d)(2)(D), the All-Inclusive Network Out-of-Pocket Limit for the DGA Gold Plan and DGA Silver Plan should be $8,150 individual / $16,300 family.
On page 23, Article III, Section 4(d)(3)(C), the network Out-of-Pocket Maximum for the DGA Bronze Plan should be $8,150 individual / $16,300 family (includes Deductible, Co-Payments, and Co-Insurance for medical claims and prescription drugs).
On page 54, Article IV, Section 8, pre-authorization is a required step your provider must take to confirm Health Plan coverage for certain services, including inpatient Hospital stays, mental health and substance abuse intensive outpatient treatment, certain prescription drugs, partial hospitalization and residential care.
View the 2020 Health Plan Summary Plan Description and its updates