Asset Allocations
Overall Plan Asset Allocation
About Asset Allocation
The Finance Committee, with advice from Cambridge Associates, establishes the asset allocation guidelines and targets for the Basic and Supplemental Plans and monitors the asset allocation for compliance with those guidelines. In the Basic Plan, the asset allocation is designed to meet the actuary’s investment return assumption over the long-term investment horizon for the plan (40 to 50 years). Please note that the asset allocation for the Plans may change over time based on a variety of factors, including: funding status, change in capital market assumptions, expected risk and return, objectives of the Finance Committee and recommendations from the Plans’ consultant, Cambridge Associates.
The overall asset allocations as of October 31, 2024 (subject to change over time) are:
Basic Plan Overall Asset Allocation
Supplemental Plan Overall Asset Allocation
While the Basic Plan and Supplemental Plan portfolios generally use the same investment managers, the asset allocations differ. This is driven by several factors:
- The Basic Plan is a defined benefit portfolio with a longer investment horizon and subsequently can take on more market risk.
- The Supplemental Plan is a defined contribution portfolio with plan risk borne by its participants, leading to a shorter time horizon and a greater need for liquidity than the Basic Portfolio.
As a result, the Finance Committee in consultation with its investment consultant, Cambridge Associates, evaluates the appropriateness of each investment and allocation for each of the different DGA-PPHP portfolios.
Investment Managers and Funds
As of October 31, 2024